New Customer Request
Due to the signatures needed and legal documentation requirements, new customers must contact the office for required paperwork.
Fees for new service are noted below.
Tap-In Fee: $1,300 for a 5/8” or 3/4” non-road bore and $800 additional for a 5/8" or 3/4" road bore, plus the cost of materials and labor if installation costs are above the $1,300 non-road bore or $2,100 with road bore. Additional charges for materials and labor will be known and charged after meter has been installed. Larger meters will be charged actual cost of installation.
Refundable Deposit Fee: $100
Other Fees: Detailed on our list of Non-Recurring Charges
And-Tro Water Authority
14100 Old State Road 37
P.O. Box 603
Tell City, IN 47586
Phone: 812-836-2020
Fax: 812-836-2022
M-F 7:30 am to 4:00 pm CST