Payment Options
Payment is ALWAYS due on the 17th of the month
(Regardless of holidays or the day of week the due date should fall on).
And-Tro offers several traditional and remote payment options to fit your needs:
By mail to:
And-Tro Water Authority
P O Box 603
Tell City, IN 47586
Payment must be post marked on or before the 17th of the month to avoid late fee.
Drop box at our office:
And-Tro Water Authority
14100 Old State Rd 37
Tell City, IN 47586
*drop box is located on the right side of the front door under the roof*
German American Bank – Tell City locations only.
Payments made at a Tell City GAB must be made by check or money order.
Please note that German American Bank stops taking payments on the 15th of the month. Please ask the bank employee if they have stopped taking payments for the month before leaving payment.
If using personal online banking, please allow 7 to 10 days for payment to reach our office.
Past due payments cannot be made at the bank.
Automatic withdrawal from a checking or savings account (no fee for this service).
You can obtain the form from the office or online. A voided check must be attached when form is submitted or mailed to our office (14100 Old State Rd 37, PO Box 603 Tell City, IN 47586).
Online Through Payment Service Network
(** a fee will be charged for this service.)
Customers can make an immediate payment from anywhere, seven days a week, 24 hours a day.
Customers can also schedule a payment or set up Auto-Pay.
PaymentServicesNetwork.com accepts credit cards, debit cards and ACH from checking or savings accounts.
Using Payment Service Network, you can make payment with the following options:
PSN PAYMENT APP - can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play
BY PHONE - Call toll-free (877-885-7968) to an automated phone payment service.
**And-Tro’s payment processor charges a convenience fee of $1.10 for check/savings payments and 3.00%
(plus 50¢ if under $100) for credit/debit card payments.